Monday, January 26, 2009

One more time with feeling

Well here I am back at Boston College for one last and final semester. As scary and sad as it is to say that I will be leaving this place in 4 short months, I am super excited for all that is to come this semester.

We're about two weeks into classes, and I'm settling into the new courses I have for this semester. I'm taking two courses for my Human Development major, Personality Theories and Adult Psychology, and then two electives.

One is called Humor in the English department, with famed BC Professor and Poe Expert, Paul Lewis. We spend the first half of the semester looking at what makes humor, and the second half as a writing workshop, where we get to create our own humorous skit, play, parody or video. I love the class already, our first assignment was to collect 5 jokes from our friends, and then spend class telling jokes, AND we get credit for this, totally awesome!

My other class is called Capstone: Decisions for Life. BC has these great courses called Cornerstones (which you take in your freshman year) and Capstones (which you take in your senior year) and they are meant to welcome you to your BC experience and then close it out as you prepare to leave and reflect back on your four years of college. As a freshman I took Courage to Know, which is a Cornerstone, we read a bunch of different books and talked about how the themes in those stories resonated with our experiences in college so far. It was a fantastic class to welcome me into BC, and was a fifteen student seminar style course with a Professor and two Senior Mentors. I actually was a Senior Mentor for the same Professor I had last semester. However, now onto the class I am actually taking, my Capstone. My Professor, John Boylan I have decided is absolutely crazy but so incredibly fantastic, already on the first day he told the whole class how much he loved us! Basically what we are going to be doing this semester is reflecting back on our four years here at BC, and how the lessons we have learned from our various experiences can help us as we go forward and make life decisions.

So those are my academic musings for this post, but I will be back again soon to talk about all those things occupying my time outside of the classroom.

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