Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm New at This!

Hey everyone! My name is Abby Cornish (I often go by Abby Sue) and this is my first time blogging for the Student Admission Program (SAP) at Boston College. I know what you're's almost April and she's just blogging now? Well, I just recently started volunteering for SAP a month ago and thought I would give this a shot!
(my roomate is on the left, our friend on the right, and I'm in the middle!)

A little about myself: I'm a freshman in Lynch. I came into the school as a Secondary Education and English double major, but just changed my majors to Human Development and English with a minor in Organizational Studies (in CSOM). I live on Newton campus, which is about a 7 minute bus ride ("the Newton Bus"). I am from a town about half an hour north of Portland, Maine. Crazy, right? People actually living in Maine seems like such a myth to everyone else here. I was really involved in high school, with a few things being that I played basketball and was a Class Officer. I have tried to get involved at BC, too. I am currently a Big Sister to a ten year-old girl at the West End House, which is on the green line. I also do OM (office management) in the SAP volunteer office. I have applied to a few more things on campus that will start next year and I'm waiting to hear back, (wish me luck!)

I really enjoy everything BC has to offer. My friends and I try to make it to most of the sporting events, concerts, musical group performances, lectures, etc. In fact, this weekend there was so much to do that I don't think I even spent more than an hour in the dorm, aside from sleeping of course. There is definitely something for everyone here, whether you know what that is for you or not yet. I'm still finding things that interest me that I never thought would and I've already been here for a year!

I'd love for everyone to follow my blog and please feel free to email me with any questions at

:) Abby Sue

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Interest!

Hey everyone!

I know it's been a while since I last blogged! College life can get so crazy sometimes and before you know it it's spring break! Anyway, I wanted to share a little bit about a great experience I had recently. I told my mom, who works in the elementary school that I went to many years ago, that I wanted to observe and help out in the preschool classroom for students with autism. She talked to the principal, and arranged for me to go in on the Friday of spring break. As soon as I stepped through the door that morning I was greeted by eight smiling faces and a few tiny waving hands. The teacher announced, "Kids! Let’s sing hello to our new friend Erica!" and seconds later I was serenaded by the innocent voices of three, four, and five year olds. Over the course of the next few hours, I was able to talk with the teachers and aids, observe the strategies they used, and of course play with the kids. I learned so much and had an absolute blast.

Now you're probably thinking, how does this have anything to do with BC? Let me explain. During course registration at the end of last semester, as I realized that there was a time conflict with two classes that I wanted to take, I found myself frantically searching for the last class to complete my spring semester schedule. I had heard about people taking Working With Students With Special Needs as freshmen, so I set up a meeting with my advisor and found out that it is a required course for Elementary Ed majors. After about 37508924 log-ins on BC UIS (the ancient course registration system) I was able to secure a spot in Professor Ricciato's 1:30 pm section of the class.

My initial thoughts going into the class were that it was probably going to be interesting, and that I might be able to apply some of what I learned to my volunteer work. I volunteer in a program called Creative Kids in the Campus School, where I sing, dance, play instruments and most of all laugh with my buddy, a girl close to my age who has severe special needs. It always brightens up my Fridays and is the perfect way to start the weekend! Back to the class. I honestly had no intentions of teaching in a special education classroom, for I knew that it required a ton of patience and creativity. I didn't think that I had that in me, and figured general education would be the way to go. Needless to say, by the end of the first week I found myself pulling out my phone to call my mom, bubbling with excitement about how much I loved what we were studying. This without a doubt has something to do with my professor as well. Professor Ricciato is the director of the Campus School, and does a fabulous job integrating presentations by psychologists, speech pathologists, and other special needs personnel, as well as his own experiences with students, into the curriculum.

The point I'm trying to make here is that you never know what you're going to become passionate about here at BC. You might not know what you love, or you might be like me, and have something in mind only to have it shift direction after taking a specific class. Keep your mind open, because there are so many possibilities here, and when you find something that you really love, it's an amazing feeling.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at! Ta-ta for now!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

Hello again,

I just got back from my first college spring break: a rite of passage of sorts. I traveled to Ireland with the University Chorale of Boston College. We are a group of about 160 singers who rehearse twice a week for three hours total and perform three times each semester. Every spring break, members of the group have the opportunity to travel abroad. This year we went to Galway, Killarney, and Dublin, Ireland. I had the time of my life! The trip was filled with breathtaking sightseeing, meeting and hanging out with tons of people who I did not even know existed prior to the trip, and singing of course. My absolute favorite part was the opportunity to meet everyone. I made so many great friends who I would probably not have met if I did not go on the trip and now we are continuing to hang out now back at BC. I cannot wait for next year's trip no matter where we go! Please let me know if you have any questions about Chorale, any music group on campus, Lynch School, or BC in general.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just Checking In

Hey guys!
So today is the first real day of Spring Break (woooohoooo!!!!). I am so excited and I thought I would take a little time out to tell you what my plans are for this week. One of the main pillars of Boston College is "Men and Women for others." Boston College students are encouraged to do their best to share their time and effort with people who are less fortunate. Although it is not required, many students take this pillar to heart and one example of this is the Appalachia Voulenteers Group. Every year around 600 students dedicate their spring break to help out the people of the Appalchian region. I never thought I would go on an alternative spring break trip in college but here I am. I will be heading off to Hurely VA soon and I am very excited. I'll check back in after the trip and share my experience.

Talk to you soon, Nicole