Hey everyone! My name is Abby Cornish (I often go by Abby Sue) and this is my first time blogging for the Student Admission Program (SAP) at Boston College. I know what you're thinking..it's almost April and she's just blogging now? Well, I just recently started volunteering for SAP a month ago and thought I would give this a shot!
(my roomate is on the left, our friend on the right, and I'm in the middle!)A little about myself: I'm a freshman in Lynch. I came into the school as a Secondary Education and English double major, but just changed my majors to Human Development and English with a minor in Organizational Studies (in CSOM). I live on Newton campus, which is about a 7 minute bus ride ("the Newton Bus"). I am from a town about half an hour north of Portland, Maine. Crazy, right? People actually living in Maine seems like such a myth to everyone else here. I was really involved in high school, with a few things being that I played basketball and was a Class Officer. I have tried to get involved at BC, too. I am currently a Big Sister to a ten year-old girl at the West End House, which is on the green line. I also do OM (office management) in the SAP volunteer office. I have applied to a few more things on campus that will start next year and I'm waiting to hear back, (wish me luck!)
I really enjoy everything BC has to offer. My friends and I try to make it to most of the sporting events, concerts, musical group performances, lectures, etc. In fact, this weekend there was so much to do that I don't think I even spent more than an hour in the dorm, aside from sleeping of course. There is definitely something for everyone here, whether you know what that is for you or not yet. I'm still finding things that interest me that I never thought would and I've already been here for a year!
I'd love for everyone to follow my blog and please feel free to email me with any questions at cornisab@bc.edu
:) Abby Sue