Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

Hello again,

I just got back from my first college spring break: a rite of passage of sorts. I traveled to Ireland with the University Chorale of Boston College. We are a group of about 160 singers who rehearse twice a week for three hours total and perform three times each semester. Every spring break, members of the group have the opportunity to travel abroad. This year we went to Galway, Killarney, and Dublin, Ireland. I had the time of my life! The trip was filled with breathtaking sightseeing, meeting and hanging out with tons of people who I did not even know existed prior to the trip, and singing of course. My absolute favorite part was the opportunity to meet everyone. I made so many great friends who I would probably not have met if I did not go on the trip and now we are continuing to hang out now back at BC. I cannot wait for next year's trip no matter where we go! Please let me know if you have any questions about Chorale, any music group on campus, Lynch School, or BC in general.


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