Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just Checking In

Hey guys!
So today is the first real day of Spring Break (woooohoooo!!!!). I am so excited and I thought I would take a little time out to tell you what my plans are for this week. One of the main pillars of Boston College is "Men and Women for others." Boston College students are encouraged to do their best to share their time and effort with people who are less fortunate. Although it is not required, many students take this pillar to heart and one example of this is the Appalachia Voulenteers Group. Every year around 600 students dedicate their spring break to help out the people of the Appalchian region. I never thought I would go on an alternative spring break trip in college but here I am. I will be heading off to Hurely VA soon and I am very excited. I'll check back in after the trip and share my experience.

Talk to you soon, Nicole

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