Sunday, April 10, 2011

Class Registration

It's that time of the semester again. Time to pick classes. This is one of the most exciting times of the semester for me, but it can also be extremely stressful - it all depends on your pick time.

Each class has 2 days of registration times with seniors going first, followed by juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. Each student is given a registration time on one of those 2 days and this can make or break your class schedule for the next semester. My time last semester was fantastic: 8:30am on the first day! My time isn't too bad this semester: 4:30pm on the first day. I'm not too worried about getting the classes I want, but I picked out my ideal schedule and would absolutely love for it to work out.

As an elementary education major, I am going to start student teaching in the fall so all of my classes need to be on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and I must register for the 2 "methods" courses that go along with my pre-practicum (1-day a week student teaching). I really want certain professors for those courses so that I can learn the most I possibly can about lesson planning in elementary school. So I am all set with my list of classes (and a much longer list of back-up courses) for registration on Thursday. Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted on what classes I end up taking!

Any questions? Email Happy Spring!

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